NG Rewards & Loyalty
Hey everyone! My name is Angel, and I founded the company called NG Rewards. NG Rewards stands for New Generation Rewards. And we’re trying to do two things. One, raise awareness for non-profit organizations, and two, we’re also raising customer loyalty for local businesses.
How does NG Rewards do both at the same time?
We created a customer loyalty program that benefits the shopper and also benefits the local businesses. While at the same time promoting non-profit organizations in our system.
How does the loyalty program work?
Very simple! When our members go shop at these local businesses they receive NG Points, every single time. We reward them for doing their everyday shopping.
What can they do with these NG Points?
They can return to these local businesses and redeem them for either a product or a service. Redeeming their NG Points earns them more NG Points. Or they can also use their NG Points to donate them to these non-profit organizations with no added fees. We do this to facilitate the way people can donate to good causes.